



2024-07-06 16:47:15 来源:网络


人教版七年级下册英语课时练Unit4Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)答案
【答案】🐅🦘||🐣😞:【课前自主预习】I. 1~4 CABD Ⅱ.完成句子🎣——_🦥🥅。1. Does; have to be/keep; does 2.Can; listen to; can't 3.don't have to 【课堂合作探究】◇要点突破[对点训练] ①B ②C ◇语法聚焦[对点训练] ①B ②Come here ③Let's play basketball ◇达标检测I.从方框中等会说🎯*——_🤓🦀。
答案🌾🧩|_🪱🕸:Daniel comes from Nanjing , but he is living in Fushun now .


😹🐗-🕷🕊:第一部分🐔😬_🤕:听力***Listening Test***满分为20分Ⅰ.根据所听到的内容选出正确的图片或答案🦙♣-|⚾。***Listen and choose*** ***计5分1. 2. 3. 4. 5.II.听对话🐩_🦚,选择合适的答案🐣——🏸🐥。**Listen and choose.***计5分6. Where does that man work?A. He works in a shop. B. He wor有帮助请点赞😸|🌿😼。
课时1 Module 4 unit1 Do you want some rice? 基础知识训练 1.Look and match.美食大秀场(选择对应的图片连连线*||🌞🎴。) ⑴rice ⑸chocolate ⑵dumplings (6)Milk ⑶Fish
SectionA:一1student 2bank clerk 3repoter 4nurse5scary二1D2E3A4B5I6H7J8F9G10C三1with2不会3with4during at 5bewteen 6from7of8as四1There isn’t2do do3What does want4Where does work5Can cook or 五1want to be a teather 2teach math 3during the day 4d到此结束了?😵——🐉🐀。
Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to jiuhuashan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired🧩——🐣😌,..
3. 1) traffic lights stop wait at a green light 2) south go to the north gate you want to buy a magazine go to the east gate 2 2. 1) √ 2) × 3) √ 4) × 3 1. 1) D 2)E 3) A 4)B 5) C 2. 1) east 2) park希望你能满意🤖——_🦂。
1.Let’s see the pandas ___(首先).2.We can see many kinds of ___(动物)in the zoo.3.The ___(可爱的)elephants are from Africa.4.Dogs are very ___(友好的)to people.5.An elephant eats a lot of ___(草)every day.6.Please be ___(安静)because the panda is shy等会说😎_🐂🪴。.
七年级下册第四单元3c答案英语希望你能满意🦃🐥——_😵。 七年级下册第四单元3c答案英语展开 我来答1个回答#热议# 如何缓解焦虑情绪?沔城湿人2016-03-08 · 知道合伙人公共服务行家 沔城湿人 知道合伙人公共服务行家 采纳数👽☁️_🐼🌵:11006 获赞数😁——😩:18976 2015年武汉轻工大学优秀毕业生向TA提问私信TA 关注希望你能满意🐏_🐵。
1.July, April, May 2.d e a f b 3.A B B C A 4.e a d c b f 5.warm/sunny, hot, cloudy, rain, windy, cold 6.When did you go there?Who did you go with?How did you go?How long did you stay?What did you do there?7. F F T F T 9. went shopping, did等我继续说😨🎁-🐽🦩。